S'pore's Covid-19 circuit breaker measures have shown promise, could be further eased on June 1



SINGAPORE – Singapore’s circuit breaker measures have “shown promise” in bringing down the number of coronavirus cases in the local community, and the country is on track to further ease these restrictions on June 1, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong on Tuesday (May 12).

The number of new cases in the community has continued to fall, from an average of over 30 new cases daily in mid-April, to eight new cases daily in the past week. The situation in the migrant worker dormitories is also stabilising, from a high point of an average of more than 1,000 new cases per day in late April, to an average of about 700 cases per day in the last week.

Mr Gan added that the first step of easing will focus on essential services, with more details to be announced next week.

“We don’t expect that by June 1 we’ll open everything, and everything goes back to normal, we begin to celebrate and have parties,” Mr Gan said. “We need to do so in a very calibrated, careful way.”


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