SPH Classified – Valentine's Day Lovelines 2017


Say it with heartfelt dedications

Hundreds of entries trickled in to proclaim the senders’ love and appreciation for their significant other or loved ones in the form of dedications called Lovelines, printed in The New Paper Classified and Lianhe Zaobao Classified.

These dedications will be published with a fee on Valentine’s Day.

A total of 192 entries will be printed in The New Paper Classified and 152 in Lianhe Zaobao Classified. Out of these, two entries stood out, showcasing the beauty of love in its many forms.


For 41-year-old sales manager Andy Ng, Feb 14 calls for a double celebration – it also happens to be his birthday.

Mr Ng has been submitting Valentine’s Day dedications for his significant other – 38-year-old finance manager Minz Law – since the early 2000s.

He learnt about Lovelines when putting up manpower recruitment advertisements with SPH’s publications.

He feels that such dedications are a memorable and sentimental avenue to make this day extra blissful for his wife.

On Feb 14, 2005, Mr Ng sent in an entry to Lovelines to propose to Ms Law.

Mr Ng said: “I remember being so excited on that day and telephoning her to take a look at the page.

“She was overjoyed when she saw it and said ‘yes’ to my proposal. It was a wonderful day that I will never forget.”

They got hitched on July 4 the same year. Their son Jordan was born the year after and daughter Joelle in 2008.

Such dedications also commemorate life’s milestones and progression from one life stage to another.

Now, Mr Ng uses Lovelines to express his thanks to his spouse for her devotion to the family.

Mr Ng said: “Not only is she my life partner, she is also a terrific mother to our children.

“Publishing love messages yearly is a sincere and creative way to demonstrate how much she means to us.”

Eleven-year-old Jordan said: “I think my mother will be very happy when she sees the dedication.

“I look forward to it being published in the papers. I am going to show it to my classmates, and keep it as a memento.”

His nine-year-old sister Joelle quipped: “I love mummy and wish her a Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Valentine’s Day Lovelines dedications can help to extend other creative gestures too.


Mr Benedict Lim, 49, the director of a business consultancy company, laced a Lovelines dedication for his 47-year-old teacher wife Veronica Tan. The couple has been married for about 20 years.

Although he has not wanted children for the past 10 years, Mr Lim placed a dedication to surprise his wife – after having changed his mind about the issue.

He is looking forward to seeing his wife’s reaction when she reads the dedication. Ever since Ms Tan’s close friend, who lives in California, gave birth to a healthy baby at the age of 49, Ms Tan has been hopeful about having her own child one day.

Mr Lim has been placing Valentine’s Day dedications for his wife for more than 10 years. Similar to Mr Ng, Mr Lim also learnt about this dedication avenue when putting up advertisements with SPH’s publications.

When Mr Lim makes anonymous dedications, the staff at his company will make a guess to see which dedication belongs to him.

He chuckles: “This element of fun and suspense adds extra excitement to Valentine’s Day.”

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 – 11:36
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