Sparse crowds at Sentosa beaches on first day with online booking requirement



Sentosa’s beaches were significantly less crowded than usual on Saturday (Oct 17), the first day guests were required to pre-book their visits during peak periods.

Groups of not more than five people were spread out across Tanjong, Palawan and Siloso beaches, with ample distance between each group, likely due to no-shows from some reservation holders.

Visitors who turned up without having made an online booking were either turned away or given a later available time slot, with waiting time varying from five minutes to almost two hours across the different entry checkpoints.

One beachgoer was civil servant Ang Wei Le, 28, who turned up at Palawan beach at around 2.30pm without a booking. Ms Ang and her friend were given the next nearest available slot at 4pm and were passing time at a nearby bench when The Straits Times spoke to them.


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