Smuggling network at dormitories during lockdown revealed


Cut off from the outside world as Covid-19 swept through the dormitories, migrant workers desperate for a smoke or a drink turned to unorthodox means to get their fix.

At one dorm, cigarettes and liquor were tossed over the fence. And in at least two purpose-built dorms, smuggling networks involving garbage collectors, cleaners and drivers were able to take root.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, some workers told Tamil Murasu and The New Paper how alcohol and cigarettes were smuggled in and sold at marked-up prices, with some items costing four times more than the prices outside.

At Sungei Tengah Lodge, they implicated those who have access in and out of the dorm. A resident, who wanted to be known only as Deva, 30, said alcohol has not been allowed in the dorm since April.

But booze, legal and illegal cigarettes, and illegal chewing tobacco were smuggled in.

He said garbage collectors brought in contraband in their trucks and passed them to cleaners who in turn gave them to a group of selected workers. Residents go to these selected workers to collect their orders.

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