Singtel rolls out travel-friendly data roaming for 26 destinations


SINGAPORE — For a flat rate, Singtel customers can travel across Europe, Asia, US and Canada and data roam freely up to 1GB.

The new multi-destination data roaming service was launched by Singtel on Thursday (Nov 17).

Called ReadyRoam 1GB For 30 Days, the revamped service offers customers 1 gigabyte of data for a period of 30 days and has expanded coverage to the United States, Canada and Europe.

Singtel also said that customers will get mobile data coverage even if they are travelling across multiple destinations, or transiting in another country en route to their destination.

Singtel’s original service covered 11 destinations in the Asia-Pacific region, and the new version covers another 15 additional countries.

ReadyRoam 1GB For 30 Days service is offered with two options. The S$20 option covers the 11 Asia-Pacific territories, including Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand New Zealand and Taiwan.

The other option spans across 26 territories — the 11 Asia-Pacific countries plus the US, Canada and European countries such as Germany, Sweden, France and Italy. This plan costs S$35.

Ms Diana Chen, Singtel’s vice president of mobile marketing and consumer Singapore, said: “Our enhanced ReadyRoam 1GB For 30 Days will allow customers the convenience of remaining contactable via their Singtel SIM card number while roaming seamlessly across multiple destinations.”

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