Singaporeans working from home more stressed than frontline workers, says survey



If there’s one thing that many of us can agree on, it’s that ever since the circuit breaker hit Singapore, we’ve felt more stressed than usual — coping with new restrictions and work situations, as well as dealing with a pandemic at hand. 

And these changes, which took most of us by surprise, have taken its toll.

A survey done by the National University Health System Mind Science Centre (NUHS MSC) showed that more than 60 per cent of those who were working from home (WFH) reported feeling stressed at work. 

What’s surprising though is that only 53 per cent of the those working at the frontline, referring to those who still went out to work during circuit breaker, were feeling stressed at work. 

The survey was done with 1,407 respondents — 114 of them frontline workers and 1,074 who work from home.

And perhaps because of the lack of differentiation between home and work environments for those WFH, 51 per cent were stressed at home, compared to just 32 per cent for frontliners. 


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