Singaporeans win James Dyson Award for high-tech wearable that aids in rehabilitation



The James Dyson Award (JDA) seeks to help celebrate, encourage and inspire the next generation of young design engineers to create novel and inventive solutions to solve various issues.

Previous years have seen winners creating solutions to help the visually impaired cook safer with Folks, a line of kitchenware for the blind, and Wheelson, a versatile bicycle attachment to help make it safer for cyclists to carry heavy loads.

The National Winners for this year’s James Dyson Award in Singapore are Aaron Ramzeen and Ricky Guo, recent graduates of the National University of Singapore, who invented the KIMIA Rehab Kit, designed to help patients undergoing rehabilitation following Total Knee Replacement surgery to treat their Knee Osteoarthritis. 

The KIMIA is a wearable device powered by patented flexible sensor technology that provides a comprehensive solution for remote rehabilitation monitoring.

Patients undergoing rehabilitation at home can follow guided exercise at home and have their process shared with their therapist in real-time.


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