Singaporeans' guide to understanding town councils and their service & conservancy charges



The consideration that has been raised for voters during this General Elections 2020 is whether the elected representatives can run a town council (well).

For the roughly 80 per cent of people in Singapore who live in HDB flats, town councils and the Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC) they charge each month is a reality of life.

But for those who never stopped to wonder what town councils are, who sets S&CC fees, how the collected money is spent, and what happens if you stop paying, then read on as we explain town councils and the S&CC they collect.

What are town councils?

Established by the Town Councils Act in 1988, Town Councils are autonomous legal entities chaired by elected Members of Parliament (MPs) of the constituencies that the town is composed of.

Today, there are 16 Town Councils which are responsible for controlling, managing, maintaining and improving common HDB residential areas and commercial properties within their respective towns, including linkways, precinct pavilions, fitness corners/playgrounds, gardens, lifts, corridors and void decks.


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