Singaporean YouTubers posting in Chinese told to be less 'cheena'



Although the national language of Singapore is Malay, you’re just as likely to hear its three other official languages – English, Mandarin Chinese and Tamil – on the streets of the multicultural nation. Many street signs are in all four languages.

Despite this, the city state’s diverse make-up isn’t reflected in its list of top YouTubers – most of Singapore’s popular content creators cater to an English-speaking audience.

Sisters Tiffanie and Michy Lim do not, though. They run TiffwithMi, a YouTube channel where they upload beauty tutorials, shopping hauls, and other slice-of-life content to their audience of 645,000 subscribers – and they do it all in Mandarin.

“Singapore is a multiracial country,” the pair tell the Post. “We should have even more variety when it comes to YouTubers, but why do we only have English-speaking content creators? That struck a chord with us and inspired us to switch to Chinese.”


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