Singaporean who turned watermelon into a Game Boy does the same to a Mao Shan Wang durian


Granted, nobody in their right mind would want to play Super Mario Bros on a handheld gaming console that actively hurts the user with sharp thorns.

But a Game Boy made out of durian had been what people wanted — for science and for the content, of course.

Cedrick Tan, the Singaporean YouTuber who famously built a handheld console out of an empty watermelon, returned with a new fruit-based project that some people would love but others would hate. Much like a durian itself.

By popular demand, the 24-year-old Singapore Management University (SMU) student took a durian (a Mao Shan Wang, to be exact), emptied it out, and turned it into a spiky chassis for a Game Boy Advance emulator.

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