Singaporean student builds a Game Boy out of a watermelon, plays Pokemon Emerald on it in public



Imagine, if you will, that you’re on the MRT train home and a young man toting a hefty plastic bag sits next to you. He casually takes out a watermelon — but a very weird one that has a lot of red buttons sticking out of it. 

It’s some kind of weird bomb, you might think, considering the contraption’s shape and electronic components. But that brief thought goes away once you see the screen in the middle of the fruit turning on. The young man’s just playing Pokemon Emerald on the world’s first watermelon Game Boy. 

But why would anyone do this? The correct question you should be asking is why not. Singapore Management University student Cedrick Tan is all about having random fun with tech that he can build by himself, judging from his YouTube channel.


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