Singapore receives shipment of bedding items from Indonesia for COVID-19 community care facilities


SINGAPORE: Singapore has received a shipment of bedding items from Indonesia, to be used at facilities set up to house COVID-19 patients with milder symptoms.

The 4,500 items comprise bed frames, mattresses, mattress covers, bed sheets, pillows, pillow cases and blankets, said Temasek Foundation in a media statement on Wednesday (Apr 22).

“Over the past weeks, Temasek Foundation has been working in close partnership with the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Singapore to support the response to managing the COVID-19 pandemic,” the statement said.

Infrastructure and consultancy firm Surbana Jurong, which played an “integral role” in setting up the COVID-19 community care facility at Singapore Expo, bought the bedding items. 

READ: Life at the Singapore Expo – A COVID-19 patient shares his experience in a community isolation facility

READ: Singapore Expo being prepared to house COVID-19 patients who have recovered but may still be infectious – Gan Kim Yong

Bedding items Temasek Foundation Indonesia 2

Ngurah Swajaya, Ambassador of Indonesia to Singapore, presenting bedding items on Apr 22, 2020, to be used in Singapore’s Singapore’s community care facilities. (Photo: Temasek Foundation)

The shipment of these items was facilitated by Indonesia’s embassy in Singapore, with more to be delivered depending on future needs, according to Temasek Foundation.

“In these challenging times faced by the global community to manage the COVID-19 situation, staying united and helping one another to emerge stronger is crucial,” the foundation said. 

“Temasek Foundation is appreciative of the show of solidarity and support from Indonesia for extending a helping hand to procure bedding sets for use at Singapore’s community care facilities.”

The facility at Singapore Expo, which opened on Apr 10, is one of two set up in Singapore to cater to two types of COVID-19 patients – recovering patients and “early patients”

As of Wednesday noon, the number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore stands at 10,141. 

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