Singapore property agent ups his game with wacky videos starring himself


They’re usually dressed in suits, great with people and even better at selling you a new residential property.

You’ve probably heard their spiel before too: “Near an MRT station”, “Unblocked views”, “10 minutes to the CBD”, “Good schools within walking distance”.

The ubiquitous property agent is sure to be found near wherever a new development pops up in Singapore but faced with stiff competition, at least one property agent has gone to great lengths to stand out in the crowd.

Meet Mr Edwin Wee, 35, who has been in the real estate business for more than 12 years now and is a senior division head at Savills Residential.

But when he isn’t dabbling in the seriousness of closing property deals, Mr Wee is busy producing a series of online videos starring, well, himself, as his alter ego, The Wacky Agent.

Since December last year, he has produced four light-hearted and entertaining videos to promote units for sale at various new condominiums developments.

In these videos, he takes on multiple roles and well-known personas, sometimes even singing (or rapping) in Mandarin or English. 

There is even a clip where he interviews himself in a mock TV newsroom setting.

In the clip, he literally asks himself why he makes such videos to sell property.

He answers: “After being in the market for so long, I realise that traditional methods do not work anymore.

“If you look up the meaning of ‘wacky’ in google, it means ‘fun’ and ‘amusing’ which is exactly my character. After applying all these wacky marketing methods, I managed to sell a lot of houses fast.”

Mr Edwin Wee interviews himself in one of his Wacky Agent video clips
Photo: Screengrab/TheWackyAgent

When AsiaOne contacted Mr Wee, he said the videos are produced all by himself, D-I-Y style.

“(It’s) all done by myself. Filming, editing, sound, music..very tedious but my clients like it,” he said of his skills which he picked up from watching YouTube videos.

He said: “I learned from YouTube, bro…It’s all there.”

He doesn’t have a dedicated studio from which he shoots the clips but he chooses “just any place to put a green screen” so he can superimpose himself in different scenarios and locations.

And what do his bosses and colleagues think about what he’s doing?

“This is just for amusement,” he said.

On that note, here’s Episode 4 for your amusement:

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 – 18:05
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