A group of knitters from Singapore have put their hobby to good use – by producing over 2,500 pieces of winter wear out of 500,000 metres of yarn for underprivileged children in northern Thailand.
“This is a record for us as we have never received so many items of winter wear for the children,” said Mr Eugene Wee, founder and executive director of Radion International, a Singapore non-profit organisation that is involved in community development in northern Thailand.
Radion International annually organises Project Lives!, a donation drive which collects winter clothing, medical aid, and other supplies in Singapore, to be distributed to remote and under-served communities in the province of Petchabun.
The knitters, Yarns Spree, buy yarns in bulk so their knitting can benefit a greater number of people or causes.

They also made a record for themselves this year with the most yarn used and most items given away in a single project. The donation to Radion’s Project Lives! 2016 came in two car loads.
“We started as a group of hobbyists, knitting in support of good causes. We enjoy knitting so much and made so many items but what do we do with all these clothing that aren’t suitable for our tropical climate? We were so happy to find out about what Radion does and that we can give to those in need,” said Ms Amanda Seet, founder of Yarn Spree.
“The children are ecstatic. They almost never get brand new things. These beanies, scarves and socks were lovingly knitted together by a group of hobbyists in Singapore. They are giving these children what their own mothers would like to, but cannot give them. Love knows no boundaries,” added Mr Wee.
About 150 members of the group participated in knitting for Project Lives! 2016 with the youngest contributor being a nine-year old boy.