Singapore couples in long-term relationships share how breaking up made their relationship stronger



It’s that time of the year again, when love fills the air and couples are dizzy from romantic dates and sweet gestures. 

To get you feeling all warm and fuzzy this Valentine’s Day, we asked couples in long-term relationships who have been together for six years or more to share their “aww”-inducing stories.

But their personal journeys weren’t without some heartache.

These couples opened up about how they overcame relationship speedbumps ⁠— stagnation, cheating, distance ⁠— leading to time apart, only to bounce back stronger months or even years later. Some of them are even happily married now with kids!

So if you’re feeling downcast over a recent heartbreak, let’s hope these real-life stories bring you some hope that all’s not lost, as long as both parties are willing to give the relationship a try again.

But if the relationship was toxic, then bye, Felicia! You’re better off alone for now.


Perhaps not unsurprisingly, all the couples we spoke to got together with their other halves at a very young age. 


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