Singapore confirms 2 more Wuhan virus cases, bringing total to 3 infected



Another two people here have been confirmed to have the Wuhan virus, bringing the total to three, the Ministry of Health said on Friday (Jan 24).

The first confirmed case was a 66-year-old man from Wuhan who is here on holiday. He is currently in stable condition at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH).

His 37-year-old son who was travelling with him has since been confirmed to have the virus too. He is also at SGH and in stable condition.

In addition, another Chinese tourist – a 53-year-old woman from Wuhan who came separately from the two men – has been confirmed as having the virus. She is warded at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and her condition is stable.

At a briefing, the ministry said that there have been a total of 44 suspected cases with patients aged between one to 78.

Of the 44, 13 patients have tested negative for the Wuhan virus, and three are confirmed.

Contact tracing has started to identify close contacts of the three.

Close contacts will be quarantined and monitored for symptoms for 14 days from last exposure with the patient.


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