Singapore Airlines (SIA) has retained its title for the first half of this year as the brand with the most positive image in Singapore, according to a survey by global market research agency YouGov.
Messaging app WhatsApp came in second while Apple iPhone, Facebook and clothing label Uniqlo clinched the third to fifth spots respectively in YouGov’s BrandIndex Buzz rankings. YouTube came in 10th.
SIA also emerged top in the global survey last year, which involved Singapore for the first time.
YouGov tracked 250 Singapore brands across 11 categories in the 2016 mid-year survey to determine which brands had the most positive buzz about them.
In the 2016 Mid-Year Best Brand Ranking for Singapore, one metric YouGov used was to ask respondents: “If you’ve heard anything about the brand in the last two weeks, through advertising, news or word of mouth, was it positive or negative?”
Scores ranged from 100 to -100 and were compiled by subtracting negative feedback from positive.
SIA got a score of 44.5, WhatsApp got 33.6, Apple iPhone got 33.5, Uniqlo got 28.3 while YouTube got 24.1.
A zero score means equal positive and negative feedback.