SIA's 400-plus trainee pilots, cabin crew: Half let go, other half to leave when training completes



SINGAPORE – Singapore Airlines (SIA) has let go of about half of its cadet pilots and cabin crew trainees as it continues to downsize its workforce.

The rest will have to leave after their training is completed.

The Straits Times understands that there are more than 400 at various stages of training.

Those who had to abort their training are mainly foreigners.

A spokesman for the airline said of the decision to allow the rest to continue: “SIA is committed to supporting them through their training programme.”

It takes over two years and costs about $250,000 to train one pilot.

The programme for cabin crew lasts less than three months.

However, the airline will not be able to keep them after that due to the “current surplus in staff numbers”, he said.

Retained cadet pilots who need to complete the overseas segment of their training will be put on no-pay leave until SIA is able to safely resume this segment of the training programme, he added.


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