Shaolin monks stage death-defying stunts


​One wrong move, and they could end up seriously injured – or even dead.

Hailing from ​the fabled Shaolin Temple at the foot of Song Shan mountain, the legendary Shaolin monks took to Singapore’s stage with eyebrow-raising moves​. Walking on knives​ was one of them.

​But t​he most dangerous stunt ​in the show ​is ​the ​one where ​the blades of five spears are used to hoist a monk into the air​, according ​to Master Pang, ​the ​Abbot of the Shaolin Soldier Monk Troupe​.​ ​

“​Even the smallest mistake can cause serious injury or death,” he told SPH Razor when we met with the performers backstage.

Monks have to train for years before they are able to perform such dangerous feats​.​ ​Injuries during training ​are​ common.

​A 35th descendant of Shaolin Temple​, Master Pang is leading his 27​-​member troupe ​for the show Shaolin, which runs till the end ​of July at Marina Bay Sands Theatre.

​The ​aim of the show was to promot​e authentic​ Shaolin ​k​ungfu throughout the world​, said Master Pang.​

The audience can expect nifty ​kungfu ​moves, ​dangerous stunts, ​dance and theatre.

The​re​ ​is, in fact, a plot. The ​​loose narrative revolves around an evil emperor who grew wary of ​the ​Shaolin ​m​onk​s​’ ​k​ungfu prowess and tried to eliminate the ​monks​.

​Join SPH Razor’s Facebook contest to win one pair out of five sets of tickets to catch the show!


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