Sentence for woman who punched maid's eyes reduced on appeal; worker's blindness not directly linked to offence



SINGAPORE – A woman convicted of abusing her maid was given a lighter sentence on appeal after a High Court judge on Monday (Nov 11) found that the offence she was charged with was not directly related to the maid going blind.

Suzanna Bong Sim Swan, 47, was sentenced to eight months’ jail after both the prosecution and defence appealed against her original sentence of one year and eight months’ imprisonment.

She was found guilty in February last year of one charge of assaulting her maid, Ms Than Than Soe, on May 17, 2015.

During the eight-day trial last year, the district court heard that Bong hit the Myanmar national on the cheek thrice with a glass bottle of medicated oil because she was upset by the smell of the medicated oil that Ms Than Than Soe used to ease a headache.

The court also heard that prior to this assault on May 17, Bong also abused Ms Than Than Soe, often punching her in the eyes.

The maid became blind in her left eye due to, among other things, retinal detachment, and her right eye was also found with severe injuries. She was 27 when she was employed by Bong in 2013, and had perfect eyesight.


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