SEA Games 2017: Team Singapore athletes 'quietly confident'


The SEA Games 2017 will be held in Kuala Lumpur from Aug 19 to 31. The games will see 405 events from 38 sports.

SINGAPORE: Team Singapore athletes are “quietly confident” in the lead-up to the 29th Southeast Asian Games in August, observed President Tony Tan Keng Yam during his visit to the athletes’ training sessions at the Sports Hub on Tuesday (Apr 18).

“They know that the competition has increased like everything else,” he said. “So they have to work doubly hard. But from what I’ve seen today, I’m very confident that they will do well in Kuala Lumpur and will do Singapore proud.”

Dr Tan watched demonstrations by the silat athletes and the fencing team. He also observed training sessions by the netball and volleyball teams and interacted with the athletes.

Dr Tan noted 2016 was an exceptional year for Singapore sport, citing the accomplishments of Joseph Schooling, Yip Pin Xiu and Theresa Goh at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“Also, our silat performers did well at the recent Pencak Games (Southeast Asian Pencak Silat Championships). So all of this shows how sports is very important,” Dr Tan added.

He said that more importantly, the attributes shown by athletes reflect the characteristics of Singapore. “We are disciplined, we work together in order to keep Singapore going and we can show the same spirit and perseverance which our athletes have shown.”

The SEA Games 2017 will be held in Kuala Lumpur from Aug 19 to 31. The games will see 405 events from 38 sports.

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