SCDF celebrates civil defence volunteers at gala


SINGAPORE: More than 400 Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) volunteers and Community First Responders gathered at a gala dinner on Friday night (Jul 19) to commemorate civil defence volunteerism, which dates back 150 years.

President Halimah Yacob, who presented awards to outstanding volunteers at the event, highlighted the importance of this band of everyday heroes.

SCDF Gala Night Jul 19, 2019

President Halimah Yacob presented the Outstanding SCDF Volunteer Award to Mr Muhammad Adhwa. (Photo: Singapore Civil Defence Force)

She shared that these volunteers render assistance in the crucial initial moments of an emergency by administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid, before SCDF officers arrive.

“They exemplify the gotong royong spirit, the willingness to care for our neighbours and to lend a helping hand,” she said.

She also announced that SCDF will provide personal accident insurance coverage for Community First Responders.

READ: Riots, bombings, building collapses: Born in a fire station 75 years ago, this ex-SCDF officer still volunteers in one

Mr K Shanmugan, Minister for Home Affairs and Law, said a lot more people are coming forward, with “tens of thousands” of first responders volunteering their time.

Mdm Halimah presented the new Outstanding SCDF Volunteer Award to 12 volunteers, and the Community Lifesaver award to seven members of the public.

President Halimah Yacob takes a wefie with Gala attendees

President Halimah Yacob posed for a photo with the gala attendees. Photo: Singapore Civil Defence Force)

“Singapore’s safety and security rely on the strength of our institutions and the resilience of our communities, which is best exhibited through the spirit of volunteerism,” she said.

“This will become ever more important as we face new security challenges.”

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