SBS Transit refers wage dispute claims by bus drivers to arbitration court where lawyers are barred



SINGAPORE – There is now a twist in an ongoing legal battle where five bus captains have sued their employer SBS Transit (SBST) at the State Courts over alleged breaches to the terms of their employment.

The drivers’ employer is now referring some issues of the case to be arbitrated at a lower court where lawyers are barred from representing the workers.

And the employer’s latest move has the backing of the Government, union and employers’ federation, although the drivers’ lawyer disagrees.

The drivers have made claims in the State Courts that raise questions about prescribed rest days and overtime pay, SBST said on Friday (Oct 18).

It has referred these claims to the Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) because they raise issues involving the collective agreements between SBST and the National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU).

“In accordance with the law, in the interests of all of SBST’s bus captains and in keeping with the letter and spirit of its excellent relationship with the NTWU, SBST will be referring these issues to the IAC for its decision,” the company said.


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