Sakura International Buffet: 1-for-1 dinner buffet with DBS/POSB cards (Mon-Thu) at all outlets from 3 – 27 Apr 2017


SAKURA International Buffet Restaurant: 1-FOR-1 dinner buffet with DBS/POSB cards! Valid for first 50 confirmed reservations per day per outlet, maximum 6 guests per table.

Sakura International Buffet: 1-for-1 dinner buffet with DBS/POSB cards (Mon-Thu) at all outlets from 3 – 27 Apr 2017

Enjoy 1-for-1 Dinner Buffet at Sakura with DBS/POSB cards, valid at ALL outlets! Valid for first 50 confirmed reservations per day per outlet, maximum 6 guests per table.
