SafeEntry applications surge ahead of reopening of businesses



Applications to implement digital check-in system SafeEntry surged over the weekend as businesses prepared to reopen from today.

The Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) said it has received applications from hairdressers, offices, factories, supermarkets, malls and hotels, among others, to roll out SafeEntry to 29,000 additional premises.

This brings the total number of premises with SafeEntry to 45,000 as Singapore embarks on a cautious resumption of some activities and services following a nearly three-week closure.

Since April 22, businesses such as cake and dessert shops, hairdressing and barber services and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) halls had been closed as part of stricter measures to contain the spread of Covid-19.

But these can open from today, subject to restrictions released last Saturday.

These restrictions include the use of SafeEntry to record all entries and exits, including of employees and visitors, for digital contact tracing.

For instance, SafeEntry must be installed at hair salons and barbers as people are likely to be in close proximity in enclosed spaces for prolonged periods.


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