Room for improvement in Singaporeans’ cybersecurity habits: Survey




While most people agree that everyone plays a role in cybersecurity, but not everyone has taken protective measures, according to the Singapore Network Security Agency (CSA) online survey.

The survey found that seven out of ten people said that everyone should play a role in cybersecurity, close to three-thirds of people are very concerned about their financial and personal information security. However, the survey results show that there is room for improvement in cyber health awareness and practices.

The survey was released on Wednesday (February 15) to gain insight into the public’s awareness of cybersecurity awareness and cyber health.

86% of respondents use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols in the password, and one-third of people do not manage their passwords securely. These include storing or writing passwords on a computer, or using the same password for work and personal accounts.

In addition, when the option is available or not sure, one-third does not enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

The survey also found that many people may not realize that the open, non-password-protected Wi-Fi network in public places may pose a significant risk to the security of their personal information. About one in six respondents said they would do so, whether they were familiar with the network.

“We will continue to explore how to take advantage of the necessary cyber security resources and information to reach people so that they can gain access to cyber health and support Singapore as a journey to a smart country,” said Koh, CEO of CSA.

“I am encouraged by the fact that most respondents realize that everyone can play a role in cybersecurity, and that many people are interested in learning more.

During the period from July to August last year, a total of 2,000 respondents aged 15 and over were investigated. The sample represents the gender and race of the population of Singapore and is distributed by age and type of housing, CSA said.


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