Room for improvement in people's cybersecurity habits: Survey


SINGAPORE: While most people agree that every individual has a role to play in cybersecurity, not all of them adopt protective measures, according to an online survey by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA). 

Seven out of 10 people said that everyone should play a role in cybersecurity, with close to three in five “extremely concerned” about the security of their financial and personal information, the survey found. However, the findings revealed that there is room for improvement when it comes to cyber hygiene awareness and practices. 

The survey, released on Wednesday (Feb 15), aimed to gather insights into the public’s levels of cybersecurity awareness and cyber hygiene, said CSA. 

While 86 per cent of the respondents use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols in their passwords, one in three does not manage their passwords securely, it said. These include storing their passwords on their computer or writing them down, or using the same passwords for work and personal accounts. 

In addition, one in three either did not enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when the option was available, or was unsure about it. 

The survey also found that many may not realise that connecting to open, non-password protected Wi-Fi networks in public places may pose substantial risks to the security of their personal information. About six in 10 respondents indicated that would do that, whether or not they were familiar with the networks. 

“We will continue to explore ways to reach out to people with the necessary cybersecurity resources and information, so that they can take ownership of their cyber hygiene and support Singapore’s journey to become a Smart Nation,” said Mr David Koh, chief executive of CSA. 

“I am encouraged that a majority of the respondents recognise that everyone has a role to play in cybersecurity and many expressed an interest to learn more about it,” he added.

A total of 2,000 respondents aged 15 years and above were surveyed between July and August last year. The sample is representative of the Singapore population by gender and ethnicity and is distributed across age and housing type, CSA said.  

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