If there’s one thing that all Star Wars movies have in common, it’s that they sweat the details of stuff you barely see – and that’s as true for Rogue One as it is for all the episodes of the Skywalker saga.
As a Star Wars nerd himself, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards inserted a galactic ton of easter eggs – odd references and details to delight his fellow fans – into his movie. In an unusual step, Disney revealed many of them in a bonus feature on the Rogue One Blu-Ray and DVD, released Tuesday. (We’ve got an exclusive excerpt of the special feature above.)
But the feature barely scratches the surface. And even in the age of internet obsessiveness, Edwards says, nobody has yet uncovered all the cool stuff he squeezed into the film.
“There are all sorts of little things,” the director told RadioTimes.com Monday. The example he offered: Did you know there’s a “space camel” being ridden by a stormtrooper in the film?
Indeed, the space camel was even ignored by the easter egg special feature, which (like most of us) focuses on the Imperial probe droid from Empire Strikes Back in the same scene.

“If you look really very carefully when Jyn and Cassian are walking through Jedha, you’ll see these giant camel things that Stormtroopers are riding on the left,” Edwards said.
The Imperial camels can also be briefly spotted in a wide shot that establishes Jedha City, and are shown (though not named) in the Star Wars Galactic Atlas released last year – though they didn’t merit a mention in the Rogue One Visual Dictionary.
An entirely new class of creature hidden in the background of a few shots like a trail of breadcrumbs for fans to follow? Welcome to the weird world of Star Wars.
Read the full article here.
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