Ride-hailing app Tada launches online delivery service for wet market orders at wet market prices



It’s no secret that the global pandemic has been wreaking havoc on ride-hailing services. Grab, in particular, saw its ride-hailing drivers facing severely reduced incomes — so much so that they’ve since switched to carrying out on-demand deliveries. 

Things are no different for Tada, the relatively newer player in Singapore’s ride-hailing market. But instead of going the food or parcel delivery route, the company launched Tada Fresh Market, a new platform for people to order groceries online from various wet markets at wet market prices. 

“The idea of Tada Fresh Market was borne out of the need to provide a source of livelihood to our Private Hire Vehicle Drivers as there lesser rides during the circuit breaker,” Tada’s Southeast Asia General Manager Jonathan Chua told AsiaOne.

“As the market recovers, it will continue to supplement their livelihoods by providing them with delivery jobs during off-peak periods. We are currently working with a pool of close to 100 drivers in Singapore with plans to scale up by the end of 2020.


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