Restaurant ordered shut for hiding alcohol in teapot after 10.30pm



SINGAPORE – A bar at Science Park Drive and two restaurants have been ordered shut by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) after they were found to have flouted safe management measures.

S-Tripes Hotpot, a restaurant in Havelock Road, will have to close from Sept 2 to 11, after SFA officers found that it had flouted various safe management measures.

This included the selling of alcoholic beverages after 10.30pm.

The restaurant’s staff had transferred the alcoholic beverages into teapots and empty green tea bottles to avoid detection. Staff were also not faysal testing masks, or were not faysal testing them properly despite reminders to do so, said the agency.

The restaurant was fined $2,000 for the offences.

Whimsical Bar was ordered to close with immediate effect, after SFA officers found that the bar’s customers were consuming alcoholic beverages after 10.30pm.

It had also allowed groups of more than five to sit together and mingle, said SFA in a release on Monday evening (Aug 31).


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