Reform Party now wants National Service reduced to 6 months



Reform Party’s (RP) secretary-general Kenneth Jeyaretnam explained the party’s proposed reduction of National Service (NS) to six months during a Facebook Live session on July 2. 

“We want to ultimately have a fully professional army,” said Jeyaretnam, in response to a viewer’s question on the proposed shortened conscription in RP’s manifesto. 

“I don’t see why we cannot reduce National Service, particularly if it’s broadened to include women,” he said, referencing the manifesto which states that women should also be able to benefit from the opportunities of NS. 

In the comments section, the viewer asked if the party thought that a six-month conscription would be effective in establishing a credible army. 

Jeyaretnam cited Switzerland and Taiwan as models for conscription of around six months and further claimed that Singapore does not have “an immediate threat from our neighbours at the moment”.


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