Reduced rates at selected ERP gantries during school holidays


SINGAPORE: Selected Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries will have adjusted rates for the year-end school holidays, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced on Monday (Nov 14) after a review. 

The revised rates will apply from Nov 19 to Dec 31, 2016. 

In line with the ERP rate adjustment of S$1 per Passenger Car Unit (PCU), ERP rates at the following roads and expressways during the specified time periods will be reduced by S$1 per PCU (except where the current ERP rate is S$0.50 per PCU).

Kallang Road, Thomson Road and the ECP (City) and KPE slip on to ECP are among the roads that will have reduced ERP rates. On the PIE, gantries with lower rates during the school holidays include Kallang Bahru, Adam and Mount Pleasant.

The ERP rates will revert to the pre-school holiday period from Jan 2, 2017. The rates for the other gantries will remain unchanged.

According to the LTA, the next ERP rate review will take place in February 2017 for the year’s first quarterly rate review. 

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