Razer CEO Tan Min-Liang calmly refutes Singaporean who slammed him for donating masks overseas



No good deed goes unpunished, as what Tan Min-Liang learned recently. 

The Singaporean founder and chief executive officer of gaming hardware company Razer had to deal with naysayers who found fault with his initiative to donate a million surgical masks across the world. 

On his Facebook page, Tan posted a screenshot of a message he received on Wednesday (April 22), in which someone tried to shame him, accusing him of forgetting his Singaporean roots and giving out masks to other countries instead of his homeland. 

To add some context, Razer has temporarily converted a portion of its production facilities to produce surgical masks in lieu of gaming peripherals during the global Covid-19 pandemic. The plan is to donate up to one million masks to the authorities in different countries, starting with Singapore where the Razer Southeast Asia headquarters is located.


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