Rat infestation leads to suspension of licence for popular food centre at Bishan



SINGAPORE – A popular food centre at Bishan has been ordered to shut for one day on Jan 20 due to a rat infestation.

Besides the rodent infestation, Kim San Leng Food Centre had also accumulated demerit points from the National Environment Agency (NEA) for failing to handle its trash properly, resulting in the suspension of its licence.

These infractions were accumulated over 12 months, NEA said, resulting in $1,100 in fines for the food centre operator located at Blk 511 Bishan Street 13.

The operator of Kim San Leng Food Centre had accumulated 16 demerit points in a year, leading to the suspension.

Operators who accumulate 12 or more demerit points in a year may have their licences suspended for either one, two or three days, NEA said.

All food stalls operating within the premises will also have to cease operations for the same period.


Publication Date:
Tuesday, January 17, 2017 – 13:12
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