Racial harmony as a crowdfunded board game? Why I think it's problematic



Regardless of how well-intentioned this project could be, using a simple board game to introduce the Gordian knot of ethnicity and religion to kids might prove to be a wee bit ill-judged. 

Attempting to break down complicated issues like racial harmony and diversity for children to comprehend is always worthy of praise, of course. But perhaps it could be deemed problematic when cultural mores are used for what appears to be a simplistic race-to-the-end board game, turning a delicate subject into competitive fun. 

Raymond Tay, whose bio describes himself to be a veteran in the “human capital development” business, recently launched a campaign on Kickstarter, seeking funds for something called “Race to Harmony”. The man believes that his board game can promote racial and religious understanding among Singapore kids.

“It is important for every generation to promote and preserve such harmony in order to achieve peace and prosperity for all,” he wrote in the description of his campaign. 


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