'Quick-thinking' Sengkang cops save toddler's life


SINGAPORE: The prompt response of three police officers stationed at Sengkang Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) helped save the life of a two-year-old boy, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said on Tuesday (Apr 4), praising them for their “extraordinary team work and quick thinking”. 

In a Facebook post, SPF said a woman rushed into the NPC on the afternoon of Mar 18, carrying the toddler in her arms. Senior Staff Sergeant Mohamad Azhar Abdul Aziz and Sergeant Mohamad Adam Roslan were at the counter at the time. 

Mr Adam “immediately called for an ambulance”, while Mr Azhar cradled the boy and performed chest compressions on him. 

“I knew I had to act fast or the boy would die. He was not breathing and did not have a pulse,” said Mr Azhar, adding that the boy reminded him of his own daughter who was about the same age. “I had to do my best to revive him.” 

Senior Staff Sergeant Mohamad Azhar Abdul Aziz (centre) said the boy reminded him of his own daughter. (Photo: SPF’s Facebook page)

Mr Azhar noticed the boy beginning to regain consciousness just as he was about to attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 

Staff Sergeant Joshua Kwek, who had been alerted to the incident through the police communications set “sprinted” to the polyclinic nearby to look for help, according to the Facebook post. 

After discovering a doctor on duty, Mr Kwek rushed back to the NPC to bring the boy, along with this grandmother, to the doctor’s consultation room. 

“He was then brought to the hospital by the ambulance and has now recovered,” the SPF added in the Facebook post. 

Said Mr Azhar, who accompanied the toddler in the wait for the ambulance: “I kept engaging him to keep him active and alert. When he responded to give me a high-five, I felt a great sense of relief. I feel fortunate that he survived.”

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