Questions over motive for Jakarta ‘toilet murder’




The police promptly investigated the death of six people in Pulo Mas, East Jakarta, on Tuesday, received public praise, but there are still ongoing problems that put investigators under pressure to expose the real motives behind the crime.

On Wednesday night, police arrested another suspect, Alloys Bernius Sinaga.

Hours ago, a raid in West Java, Bekasi, resulted in police shooting dead Ramlan Butar Butar, who had a criminal record, allegedly a gang leader.

Another suspect, Erwin Situmorang, was detained at the Jakarta Police Detention Center. The police are now pursuing the last suspect identified as Yus Pane.

Despite the fact that the police had promptly arrested the alleged perpetrators, a number of major questions remained unanswered, in particular as to whether robbery was the only motive.

Police said the crime occurred in a luxury residential high-end residential, is a robbery, but they can not explain what valuables were taken away, in addition to two Rolex watches with a bag and more than 60 million rupees worth of foreign currency (S $ 6,450).

It has been suggested that the value of stolen items and money for the “professional” robbery by a high-profile recidivist such as Ramlan’s “too small”.

Mr. Dodi Triono, a 59-year-old architect who owns the house and dies in the event, is portrayed as a billionaire, giving his luxury home and sports car.

Bambang Widodo Umar, a criminal law expert at the University of Indonesia, says it is important to arrest suspects quickly, but investigators should also be able to answer public questions.

“If many of the questions remain unanswered, it means that the police have not yet found the real motive, or that they have not gathered enough evidence,” Mr. Bambang told the Jakarta Post on Thursday.

He said investigators should be able to explore more possibilities, such as whether the victims were killed or even retaliated for commercial competition or family problems. Mr. Bambang, a retired senior police officer, said people could have been hired to commit crimes.

Dodi’s daughter, 16-year-old Diona Arika Andra Putri and 9-year-old Dianita Gemma Dzalfayla, as well as girl friend Amel and family drivers Yanto and Tasrok also died in the incident.

Police said the medical tests confirmed that six people died of asphyxiation and were locked in a 2.25 square meter bathroom for more than 17 hours.

Another daughter of Mr. Dodi’s second marriage, Zanette Kalila Azaria, 13 years old and four domestic helpers, also locked in the bathroom and survived.

Mr. Doddy lives in the house where his two daughters divorced from his second wife. The police said they would ask his third wife Agnesya Kalangi, 19, who lives in a separate house to learn more about Mr. Doddy’s life before his death.

Publication Date:
Saturday, December 31, 2016 – 17:16
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