Pritam Singh vows both scrutiny and support of PAP, cites Hong Kong, South China Sea



Pritam Singh, Singapore’s newly appointed Leader of the Opposition, on Monday sought to temper expectations that his Workers’ Party could immediately go toe to toe with the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) in formulating alternative policies and stressed that it would back the government if it was in the national interest.

In particular, the party – which made historic gains in July’s election – supported efforts to finalise a code of conduct in the South China Sea, said Pritam. In a wide-ranging speech, he also asked the government to seize opportunities amid the downturn including those borne out of Hong Kong’s political crisis.

Speaking in parliament, Singh emphasised that while the Workers’ Party would do its best to scrutinise the government with the added official resources handed to it, it was facing off with a ruling party that had the entire civil service at its disposal.


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