Priority Covid-19 testing for residents and staff in elderly homes, staff to be housed on-site or in hotels



Testing for the coronavirus will be prioritised for residents and staff in all homes serving the elderly.

Staff who interact with elderly residents will also be housed on-site or in hotels to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) on Saturday (May 2).

These are among additional support measures to be implemented for all homes serving the elderly, in order to protect vulnerable seniors. These include nursing homes, welfare homes, sheltered homes and adult disability homes.

Six nursing homes in Singapore, including the Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home, have been hit by the coronavirus so far. So has Acacia Home in Admiralty, a welfare home for the destitute.

MOH began Covid-19 testing for this group from April 29 and expects to complete the tests by next week, while MSF started the tests from April 30 and will complete them on Saturday (May 2).

“Prior to this, we had been actively testing symptomatic residents and staff who developed acute respiratory infection or fever for Covid-19,” said the statement.


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