President Tony Tan visits quake-hit school rebuilt with funds from Singapore


SHICHIGAHAMA, Japan: Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam on Monday (Dec 5) visited a nursery school in Miyagi prefecture that was rebuilt with donations from Singapore following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

The Shichigahama Toyama Nursery School was badly damaged in the disaster and was rebuilt at a cost of S$5 million. The new building, which opened in 2013, is constructed on elevated ground so it can serve as an evacuation centre for future emergencies.

The mayor of Shichigahama town expressed his gratitude to Singapore, saying the donations had made a great difference to the children’s lives. “Thank you very much. We’re deeply moved. In fact, we’re overwhelmed and most honoured in welcoming the Singapore delegation led by President Tony Tan,” he said.

The children performed two Christmas carols for Dr Tan and his delegation. They also sang a birthday song for his wife Mrs Mary Tan when they found out it was her birthday.

The school is one of several rebuilding projects undertaken by the Singapore Red Cross, which raised a total of US$25 million in support of Japan’s recovery efforts. It was Singapore’s largest disaster relief contribution. The Singapore Red Cross also rebuilt an elderly care centre and two community halls to double up as evacuation centres.

Dr Tan is on a nine-day state visit to mark 50 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan.

Singapore President Tony Tan waving to students at a Japanese nursery school rebuilt with funds from the Singapore Red Cross. (Photo: Roland Lim)

During his trip, he has been highlighting the strong bonds between the people of both countries. “The friendships you build here reflect and contribute to the broader relationship between Singapore and Japan,” said Dr Tan on Sunday at a reception attended by more than 300 Singaporeans in Tokyo.

Dr Tan returns to Singapore on Tuesday.

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