Preetipls says she's tired of being treated as the 'keeper of the Indian race'



From sharing links to vital resources to drowning out racist hashtags with K-pop fancams, the power of social media in spreading awareness of pertinent social issues is undeniable.

But it can also be a double-edged sword.

In response to “countless” tweets and DMs on racial issues, YouTuber Preetipls declared in a series of tweets on June 3 that she was tired of being treated as the “keeper of the Indian race”.

The messages she had received included racist tweets, people asking her to “call this person out” and those asking for her thoughts on certain issues.

“What do I think? I am f****** exhausted,” Preetipls, whose real name is Preeti Nair, wrote.

To illustrate her point, Preeti brought up socialite Jamie Chua, who received backlash over an Instagram Story griping about her “disturbing nightmare” involving migrant workers “rushing into [her] house” back in April.


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