Police looking into complaint filed against woman who raised middle fingers to police camera



A woman was accompanied by her fellow activists to Tanglin Police Division last Friday (Sept 11), after she got in trouble for posting an image that was deemed alarming. 

It was a picture of her flipping the bird at police cameras situated at Speakers’ Corner in Hong Lim Park.

The activist — known as Averyn — had posted the image on her Facebook page on November 6 last year, when she pointed her middle fingers up at the CCTV security cameras while wearing a camouflage outfit. It was accompanied by a caption that expressed her dismay over “militarised surveillance” and the silence over marginalised communities. 

This, according to social worker and activist Jolovan Wham, garnered a police report filed against her on May 15 earlier this year.
PHOTO: Twitter/Screengrab/@kixesWham and other activists, including journalist Kirsten Han, accompanied the woman in a show of solidarity when she attended an interview with the police last Friday. 


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