Police have issued arrest warrants for five privates allegedly involved in the death of a conscript at Vibhavadi Rangsit Military Camp in Surat Thani Province, while the family of the dead private will receive Bt230,000 (S$9,300) in compensation.
Pol Maj-General Apichart Bunsrirote, commander of Surat Thani provincial police, said the investigation into the death of Private Yuthkinan Boonniam, who was beaten to death inside the military camp compound, was progressing well and nearly completed.
“Five suspects are confirmed to be involved in the death of Private Yuthkinan according to the clear evidence from witnesses and surveillance camera records, thanks to the enthusiastic assistance from the 45th Military Circle,” Apichart said. “We are sure that we can bring justice for Private Yuthkinan’s family soon.”
It was reported that the five privates on the arrest warrants will be taken to Surat Thani Police Station.
Apichart said determining the cause of death was still underway, as police were questioning doctors about the autopsy results.
A preliminary autopsy found that Yuthkinan died from acute kidney failure as the result of severe injuries.
According to a NEW TV report, images of Yuthkinan’s injuries before he died were shared on a soldiers’ Line group. A video clip showed that he was ordered to lie outdoors on a bed covered by a thick blanket under the hot sun.
A chat session among Line group members said Yuthkinan had told other soldiers that he felt unwell and needed a rest, so he was “treated” to regain his health.
There was also a video clip from the morning of March 27 that showed Yuthkinan walking to the front gate of the camp looking normal and healthy. He was punished later that day before being hospitalised on March 31.
Yuthkinan’s mother Renu Mhodrakee said that despite the grief at losing her son, she was happy with the rapid progress in identifying suspects in the case.
But she also said she had not scheduled her son’s cremation ceremony because the case had not been concluded and the culprits had not been punished. In regards to compensation, Maj-General Wichai Thassan-amontian, commander of the Military Circle 45, said Army commander-in-chief General Chalermchai Sitthisa-ard had contributed Bt100,000 and the Military Circle 45 Bt20,000 for Yuthkinan’s family.
The Rights and Liberties Protection Department also gave Bt110,000 as compensation for the loss as well.
Two soldiers have reportedly been transferred to inactive posts – Lieutenant Thitikan Wejjasit, the acting commander of the military camp’s prison, and Sergeant Surachet Phrommas, the officer on duty.