PN Balji: Jamus Lim smelling like roses after GE2020 live debate



It was a smart but risky move by the Workers’ Party (WP) to send the youthful and smiley-faced Jamus Lim into the lion’s den against a seasoned and smiling assassin like Vivian Balakrishnan.

It could have gone disastrously wrong. And the poor chap might just have been badly maimed, never being able to recover.

That didn’t happen.

Instead, Lim came out smelling like roses with a performance that must have impressed Balakrishnan to want to hug the newbie politician and whisper into his ears: Why didn’t you join the People’s Action Party (PAP)?

Lim was not just some pretty face with nothing up there.

He started the TV political debate a little unsure but as he warmed up one could actually see his brain working.

When Balakrishnan tried to put the 44-year-old associate professor — gently of course — on the spot with a question on how his party was going to pay for the giveaways proposed in its manifesto, he retained his unflappable demeanour.

We have done the mathematics behind the ideas and “everything is within our budget, it actually is budget neutral”, he replied.


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