PM urges people to fight against spread of fake news to topple govt


He says this is a new threat to the country that needs to be countered.

PM urges people to fight against spread of fake news to topple govt

He says this is a new threat to the country that needs to be countered.



  1. So, the Trump bug has infested Najib with his fake news. It was Prez Trump spokesperson came out with “alternate facts” and fake news targetted at CNN and other main stream media. So here Najib is targeting alternate media little realising that the fake news creaters ate msm.

  2. 1st thing, government is supposed to do thing for the people, not a favour
    2nd thing, those are not fake news, it’s the government trying to manipulate
    3rd thing, no one is trying to topple the government, we are trying to change it cos it is not doing their job sincerely
    4th thing, if government is sincere, why don’t do thing transparently? Why 1MDB report is under OSA? Until now government cannot answer why?

  3. In this country, lies are created & spoken nowadays without a blink of an eye! Truly evil has become the norm resulting in the mismanagement of this land. The cries of the rakyat have been drowned by lies, lies and more lies!!!

  4. There were many fake news about million of Ringgit banked into your account , there were fake news about the 2.6 b which u claimed not true and wanted to sue WSJ and Sarawak report yet so far no action and later u claimed it was donation from Arab. Now WSJ claimed that the money actually from 1MDB …Sue them to prove that all the scandals are fake …..

  5. Since we are a democratic country with freedom to think and judge,allow us the previlege to decide which news is fake or not.Do not under estimate our intelligence.You may confuse some but not all.

  6. When jibby said you guys can live rm 500 from BR1M for one fukcing year.. very good.. increase petrol price somemore when one barrel now is almost USD 56.. lim peh clap for you

  7. Yes abang, now so many false n lies throw on the government. I also want to cry listen n hearing all lies. They are liars. But i cry not because of that. I cry because i laugh. It is a jokes. One news maybe not true, two news maybe i consider, three news maybe it’s true but if thousands, hmm…

  8. Owh… Rupanya rm2.6b masuk personal account tu fake news ye? Nasib baik DSN bagitau kalau tidak mati² saya ingat betul. Kawan²…dengar tu fake news rupanya. Sama category ngan Donald Trump nie nampak gaya. Hebatlah DSN… just in case you all are wondering, I was being cynical…

  9. I don’t think our country will threatened. Maybe some people’s will be threatened if government will exchanges. Party can come and go and any party can be a government . Democracy and people’s power

  10. U & your whole cabinets is the biggest threat to our country & economy.. so don’t push to others that don’t have that power . Only the current goverment have this power to lies, corrupted, playing racist card & bribes.

  11. If U think was fake makeup story pls kindly tell the ppl of Malaysia ur really Mr.Clean governments and even Tun M keep on asking U to declare the 1MDB scandal but until today U never bother to tell the whole world and tq ours beloved PM if really ur not involved then why U worried so much and if ur R clean we ours ppl of Malaysia will fully support U 100% in the coming GE14 !!!

  12. Stupid …embicile…..ignorant ….shamless…..idiot…..moron…..Numb skull…..pea brain…..some of the words to describe a worthless little common thief ….who is leaving in the world of denial….

  13. Threat to umno which is near to bankrupt and also goyang and goncang now. They are very afraid but as usual use the Malays to make them a bloody fool as umno has successfully fooled them over and over and over again for past few decades

  14. Bcos of the huge fund in ur Abank account…the rakyat cannot believe the govt …on mathematics calculations, it is not possible to earn such a huge amount by being a govt servant/ administration ! And donation in such a huge amount is a big question… and investigations is on going but decisions in ??? That is reason opposition including rakyat seeks true answer… not simply toppling the govt..

  15. Only those corrupted eader without substances that afraid othercto topple them , hv your ever heard Korea, Japan , US , UK ,Australia Europe govt ever afraid people to toppled govt ? They only hv change of govt either thru election of step down by Leader when they are no more efficient & effective , for corruptor , the final result will be stepped down & go into jail.

  16. Dear PM. If there were really false news, you can always sue those who spread them.
    But when you said that you will sue WSJ, VERY VERY VERY many Tuesday ago and untill today there is no such action took place, how are we going not to belived all those news.

  17. Who wants to topple the government PM? The Rakyat wants to change leadership only because u r not intelligent enough, responsible and honest. The medium and low income groups are suffering in their daily life due to mismanagement of government finance. Now let the Rakyat decide?

  18. So u think report not full news story is better? Such nonsense said other fake news? What’s blinded people will believe those words from UMNO unless ur brain is still are kindergarten stage.

  19. News on him are all true. If fake take action sue them if you dare, or else rakyat have to accept all the news and report are true and genuine. The ONLY problem our country’s law are there, but the rightful people in charge of agencies are just sleeping and keeping him being
    Prosecuted or drag to court.

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