Phase 1 of post-Covid-19 circuit breaker: A guide to what you can do from June 2



SINGAPORE – As Singapore enters Phase 1 of the post-circuit breaker period from June 2, many are wondering what can and cannot be done under the new regulations. While more businesses and activities will be progressively allowed, some restrictions will continue to be in place during Phase 1. 

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the post-circuit breaker period, as well as information on which services and facilities will be reopening.

Will my favourite bubble tea shop reopen? Can I return to my office?

You may have to wait longer to get your fix of bubble tea, as outlets selling predominantly beverages are still not allowed to reopen.

Have you been unable to telecommute during the circuit breaker period and wondering if you can return to the office?

You can return to the workplace if your company is on the list of businesses permitted to resume operations from June 2, and if your employer has put safe management measures in place. However, telecommuting must still be practised where possible.


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