Petitions calling for PMD ban in Singapore face resurgence in light of comatose elderly crash victim



Petitions have been pervasive in Singapore ever since online petition hosting sites started becoming a thing. Petitions against personal mobility devices (PMDs) are now more common too, ever since some of its users have proven to be reckless riders responsible for hundreds of injuries

The latest case — involving an elderly e-scooter crash victim currently in a coma — has Singaporeans riled up once again, renewing the rage against the very usage of motorised mobility devices across the country. Since the accident made headlines earlier this week, online petitions calling for the prohibition of all PMDs in Singapore have received a boost in signatures accompanying the outrage. 

Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise either, considering the severity of Madam Ong Bee Eng’s injuries. The 65-year-old logistics assistant packer had been cycling home around Bedok North last Saturday night (Sept 21) when her bicycle collided with an e-scooter.


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