Pentel Singapore's grammar mistake-ridden post is so bad, is almost good


Spelling and grammar mistakes are aplenty on the internet.

For most of us, committing a boo-boo as such can be a slightly embarrassing affair (mostly drawing jibes from close friends), but for an account with a decent following, such errors can spell – pun intended – someone’s job being put on the line for the slip of hand or mind.

Regardless, these very public mistakes are usually spotted by and harped on by netizens and publications alike, and most recently, Pentel Singapore was the new butt of jokes.

Two days ago, this Facebook post by the Singapore arm of the stationery-maker got much attention for all the wrong reasons.

Glaring grammatical errors aside, the post itself didn’t conform to any definition of exciting, but it has since been shared 172 times so far, and covered by online publications like Mothership and SGAG (and now us as well).

The comments section is also rife with (pretty hilarious) jibes at the bad English, spurring Pentel Singapore themselves to address the situation:

Screengrab: Pentel Singapore Facebook Page

Fair enough.

However, two days on, the mistake still mysteriously remains.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, let’s just assume that they’re not entirely active on their Facebook page (though they could have corrected the error when they posted the comment).

Not exactly.

While we appreciate that little plug for their erasers, there’s yet another grammatical error in a post promising to not have any more of said errors.

Photo: Screengrab from Pentel Singapore Facebook page

And yes, the mistake on the 18 Feb post still remains as well.

But given that Pentel is (fortunately?) not a company whose main business is selling educational courses or anything that would require good grammar, their sales probably won’t decline after this incident.

In fact, the buzz garnered by this fiasco might have actually drawn even more attention to their products than usual.

No one can really say for sure the exact intentions of their social media team (or even the lack of one), but hey, if they wanted hype – they certainly got it.

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Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 – 16:50
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Pentel Singapore apologises for bad grammar in post, does it again
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