PAssion Silver Card: Readers' questions answered by askST


The newly issued PAssion Silver Concession Card combines the current purple Senior Citizen Concession Card for public transport and the black-and-white PAssion ez-link card into a single card.

The card makes it easier for seniors to stay active and be engaged in the community.

In the eighth episode of askST, Straits Times reporter Priscilla Goy answers readers’ questions about the Silver Card, such as user privileges and how to apply for it.

Cardholders will enjoy discounted rates for People’s Association community club activities and facilities, and at merchants such as Cold Storage.

They will also get concession fares on public transport.

The card is free and only for Singaporeans aged 60 and above.

The new card replaces the Senior Citizen Concession Card for Singaporeans aged 60 and above because the two cards have the same function of giving cardholders public transport concessions.

Permanent residents aged 60 and above are still eligible for the Senior Citizen Concession Card.

The video also explains how seniors can go about applying for the new Silver Card.

This article was first published on January 24, 2016.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017 – 19:23
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