If other MPs don’t agree, there is nothing much PAS can do, says a party leader.
‘PAS won’t pressure Muslim MPs on Act 355’
If other MPs don’t agree, there is nothing much PAS can do, says a party leader.
If other MPs don’t agree, there is nothing much PAS can do, says a party leader.
‘PAS won’t pressure Muslim MPs on Act 355’
If other MPs don’t agree, there is nothing much PAS can do, says a party leader.
Whatever. Because no matter what, this bill will not get pass parliament as it will be a violation to the federal constitution. Federal constitution stated that Malaysia is a secular state, not an Islamic state.
Act 355 is Hadi’s law and not God’s law. Any Muslim MP from other parties are not obligated to support Hadi. To use God to further your political agenda is bad.
Religion is a TEACHING.
Besides, There are so many ways in terms of TEACHING.
Cant force people to follow what u want. Sometime its hard to accept the fact but that the nature of being that fact…
Yes you can…sentence them to 100 strokes of the rattan !!! 😛😛😛
Yes they won’t use the words pressure but they say if against is against God will.
Pas shouldn’t use religion as a blackmail for their political survival. Muslims r not stupid n knows what’s appropriate Muslim practices that’s acceptable in a multi racial n religious M’sia. Let those who loves hudud laws decide to move to countries that has hudud laws. Brunei n Acheh have hudud laws.
hooray, haddy has achieved what dumbno sets out… propose this RUU to incite negative response from non muslims on islam… like herd mentality, muslims unite to fend off these response… rakyat will be further divided diluting the opposition strength… just asking, can all rakyat just FOCUS on voting out CORRUPTION by voting PH, the only opposition coalition available?
Ignore PASt as they are willing to sell the religion for a sum of the alleged 90 mil, and play the role to split the muslim votes… no choice, come united as one to pangkat PH for the future of our homeland
loled. the entire thing with act 355 is practically only about the use of force.
P – Party
A – Akal
S – Sesat
Sesat- sampai orang kuat semua sedang undur…. yang arif semua masuk je AMANAH… mereka semua rational!!! Kegemilangan masa Tok Guru lenyap – so My respect for you all gone!!!
Now they say not pushing, but lets not forget someone just say Muslim is oblige to support. Kidnap in the name of god. Well done.
After having a much smaller than expected attendance at Padang Merbok he knows very well the support is very low. Other than his own MP who else can he force?
Apalah PAS ini…kalo MPs bkn islam dan islam tak sokong bill ruu355. Masih ada jalan utk laksanakan hukuman ruu355. PAS tak perlu bimbang kalo MPs bkn islam tidak sokong.
Tell that to your President and tell him to stop names-calling. So unbecoming of him to call his own party members ‘baruas’ and even called those who do not support RUU 355 “mosquitoes and fleas”.
Thank you for been moderator. But, it is better you speak to your Bosses before you speak. Don’t put yourself into unnecessary embarrassment situation.
I thought everyone who doesn’t agree with you are infidels? LOL!
Give THEM freedom of choice,and YOU will be surprised at the results.
if muslim MPs disagree, it is OK. When DAP disagree, it is anti islam! What a prick
Is the acts is according to true teaching of islam i believed the entire moslem of the c
Ya we knew od, it’s just a spring board to get money from najis ma!
Without Hadi Pas can achieve to be a stronger party . If ruu 355 were to go through Hadi will pocket more cash and is ready to have another wife. Hadi have disgrace Muslims in the name of Islam.
Haha. Wont pressure but if muslim who do not support seem to anti God (Hadi’s God).
Pen wei dedak ask to stop here then stop le. 😂 just a show ba
Democracy is much alive in Msia. If Pas fails in the attempt, so be it. But it is going to be remembered bec of the dramas it has created potraying the main characters and their true colours.
So when a Muslim reject the bill, its ok. but when a non muslim don’t support, they are anti Islam. ok. i see what the whole charade is all about. Just a platform for them to look good…ok next..
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